Library of Congress Bicentennial Celebration Presentation - Page 26

Legacy of 30 years of P.F.D.A. "camaraderie" is illustrated here. Front row from left: former P.F.D.A
president, Jim Burcio, Antioch; Marilyn Posluszny, Morro Bay; former P.F.D.A president, Bob Solari,
Concord; Beverly Carson, Citrus Heights. Back row: Board member Harry Engelman, Nevada City;
Peter Palumbo, Bay Shore, Long Island, N.Y. ; Jerry Carson, Citrus Heights. Carson and his wife (front)
are a carving team. All shown here are holding their contributions for a Festival door prize: a group of
shorebirds (Sanderlings huddled around a Whimbrel decoy). Not shown is contributing carver Tom
Newell of Gig Harbor, Washington.

One such old friend was asked his version of what a P.F.D.A. legacy might be, and had it on the tip of his tongue: "Camaraderie," he said, "Even if the general public quit coming to these shows, we'd find a way to keep having them. Our people don't go to Sacramento to see the birds, they go up there to see each other." This is certainly true, but one element had been overlooked: creativity. We're talking about creative artists, here. Creativity in some form or another is basic to well- human nature, which explains why this P.F.D.A. crowd is so pleased (or at least tolerant) with each other when they meet. They've proved resilient, they definitely aren't sissies, and one way or another they're going to continue the traditions of Bellport '23 into the 21st century.

For more information on the Pacific Flyway Decoy Association, visit our web site:

You can contact the association by mail, send to: Jim Burcio, PFDA, 300 Marble Drive, Antioch, CA 94509